4 research outputs found

    Mechanisms underlying the recruitment of inhibitory interneurons in fictive swimming in developing Xenopus laevis tadpoles

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    Funding: Authors thank BBSRC for funding this research (BB/L000814/1 to R.B.; BB/T003146 to W.L.).Developing spinal circuits generate patterned motor outputs while many neurons with high membrane resistances are still maturing. In the spinal cord of hatchling frog tadpoles of unknown sex, we found that the firing reliability in swimming of inhibitory interneurons with commissural and ipsilateral ascending axons was negatively correlated with their cellular membrane resistance. Further analyses showed that neurons with higher resistances had outward rectifying properties, low firing thresholds and little delay in firing evoked by current injections. Input synaptic currents these neurons received during swimming, either compoundˎ unitary current amplitudes or unitary synaptic current numbers, were scaled with their membrane resistances, but their own synaptic outputs were correlated with membrane resistances of their postsynaptic partners. Analyses of neuronal dendritic and axonal lengths and their activities in swimming and cellular input resistances did not reveal a clear correlation pattern. Incorporating these electrical and synaptic properties in a computer swimming model produced robust swimming rhythms whereas randomising input synaptic strengths led to the breakdown of swimming rhythms, coupled with less synchronised spiking in the inhibitory interneurons. We conclude that the recruitment of these developing interneurons in swimming can be predicted by cellular input resistances, but the order is opposite to the motor-strength based recruitment scheme depicted by Henneman’s size principle. This form of recruitment/integration order in development before the emergence of refined motor control is progressive potentially with neuronal acquisition of mature electrical and synaptic properties, among which the scaling of input synaptic strengths with cellular input resistance plays a critical role.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The early development and physiology of Xenopus laevis tadpole lateral line system

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    Valentina Saccomanno was an exchange MSc student in the University of St Andrews with a scholarship by the Erasmus+ Programme for Traineeship and the University of Trieste. This project was partly supported by a BBSRC grant (BB/T003146).Xenopus laevis has a lateral line mechanosensory system throughout its full life cycle, and a previous study on prefeeding stage tadpoles revealed that it may play a role in motor responses to both water suction and water jets. Here, we investigated the physiology of the anterior lateral line system in newly hatched tadpoles and the motor outputs induced by its activation in response to brief suction stimuli. High-speed videoing showed tadpoles tended to turn and swim away when strong suction was applied close to the head. The lateral line neuromasts were revealed by using DASPEI staining, and their inactivation with neomycin eliminated tadpole motor responses to suction. In immobilized preparations, suction or electrically stimulating the anterior lateral line nerve reliably initiated swimming but the motor nerve discharges implicating turning was observed only occasionally. The same stimulation applied during ongoing fictive swimming produced a halting response. The anterior lateral line nerve showed spontaneous afferent discharges at rest and increased activity during stimulation. Efferent activities were only recorded during tadpole fictive swimming and were largely synchronous with the ipsilateral motor nerve discharges. Finally, calcium imaging identified neurons with fluorescence increase time-locked with suction stimulation in the hindbrain and midbrain. A cluster of neurons at the entry point of the anterior lateral line nerve in the dorsolateral hindbrain had the shortest latency in their responses, supporting their potential sensory interneuron identity. Future studies need to reveal how the lateral line sensory information is processed by the central circuit to determine tadpole motor behavior.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe